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Thread: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14 [Over]

  1. #1
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Cool QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14 [Over]

    Hi there people!

    Here I am to present you my last project: the Quirknator! (Why do I feel kinda like Doofenshmirtz? Nvrmnd...).

    The program’s size 700x483 and weights 158 kb. It has been run in several Windows OS, but never yet in a MAC OS or a LINUX one.

    • And what is this sh*t?

      Quirknator is a program made by me that translates the text you insert or write into the troll quirk you desire.

    • Isn't there like 8000 or so other troll quirks translators?

      Yes, indeed. When I started this project, I didn't know about their existence, so I didn't hesitated making it. Now that I know that there are, I'd lie if I'd say that I didn't feel sad for making something that has already before, but I keep working to make it as good as it could be.
      I first made it fast, so it was a bit crappy, but worked out "fine". Later I improved it a lot but still was no better that any other one. After the last add-ons I've made, I was really happy about the result. Quite frankly, I can say I made a great work.

    • So… What this program offers?

      Probably the best and most significant feature of my program (and also the reason why I started making it in first place) is the possibility to combine almost all troll quirks at the same time.

    • What?

      Yes. With this program you can properly talk as Feferi and Eridan; or Equius and Nepeta; or Gamzee, Terezi, Aradia and Sollux at the same time. Imagine the possibilities!
      I know what you're thinking. "But how could you possibly combine Karkat and Kanaya's quirks, for instance?" Well, it’s easy: there is no way to combine them, so they (the 'Format' ones) are exclusive. That means that you can only have one of them selected (Jonh, Karkat, Kanaya or Gamzee). With the others ('the 'Content' ones) you don't have that limitation, so you can go wild. Just remember that the Format ones have preference over the Content ones, so if Tavros and Karkat are active, don't expect finding anything in lowercase.

      Here you have a sample:

    • What other features are?
      • All troll quirks with great precision on their quirk, punctuation, expressions, etc...
        Explained with details inside here:

        • Dave quirk:
          Pretty simple one. It just omits '?', '!', '.', ',', '¿', and '¡'. If lowercase wanted, use John's quirk. This quirk isn’t how Dave REALLY types. It’s more just a feature that automatically omits punctuation...

        • Aradia quirk:
          Changes all o and O into 0 (zero, hurr). She also omits '?', '!', '.', ',', '¿', and '¡'. If lowercase wanted, use John's quirk.
          Also, there is this joke: you have a 5% chance to, instead of he translated text, get a "ribbit". You can't turn this off (Aradia most time wasn't able to control them) but is easy to evade it: just write anything or press '======>' and you'll 95% surely get the desired translation.
          -Feelings check
          If feelings check is active, it'll not omit '!' or '?'.

        • Tavros quirk:
          Initial letter of the sentence, word after a comma, or I words (I, I'm, I'll...) to lowercase. Also names with initial lowercase (jADE, kARKAT). Everything else to uppercase. At the end of each sentence, if there is nothing like periods or spaces, it adds a comma. This quirk DOES NOT replaces periods by commas. Tavros uses periods (seldomly).
          -Self-esteem trackbar
          This bar measures Tavros' self-esteem. The lower it is, the lower Tavros' self-esteem will be, adding random ", uHH, " in the sentences you write. It work's pretty well, but remember how it works: the lower the self-esteem is and the longer the sentence is (not the whole text), the more ", uHH, " will be.

        • Sollux quirk:
          Replaces all s/S by 2; all i/I by ii/II; all " to" and " too" by " two". It omits the ‘'' character ("i'll" would be "iill"). At the end of each sentence, if there is nothing like commas or spaces, it adds a period. If lowercase wanted, use John's quirk. It also replaces some ‘two’ sounds, like:
          The word “together” is replaced by “twogether”.
          The word “today” is replaced by “twoday”.
          The word “tonight” is replaced by “twonight”.
          The word “tomor” is replaced by “twomor”. 
          The word “into” is replaced by “intwo”.
          -Blind check
          This changes the whole quirk functioning. It replaces o/O by 0. If there are 2 'o's they will be replaced by 0o (cool would be c0ol). Nothing else.

        • Terezi quirk:
          Pretty easy too: replaces all a/A by 4, all e/E by 3 and all i/I by 1. Everything to capitals. It also omits ''' and '.' characters.

        • Nepeta quirk:
          At the beginning of each sentence adds a " :33 < ". Replaces all ee/EE by 33. It also omits ''' and '.' characters. When combined with Equius, it replaces her lusus face with “ :33 --> “. If lowercase wanted, use John's quirk.
          -Cat puns check:
          When checked, it replaces words by cat puns. Here is a list of all the cat puns:
          The word "fare” is replaced by “fur”.
          The word “far” is replaced by “fur”.
          The word “fer” is replaced by “fur”.
          The word “for” is replaced by “fur”.
          The word “per” is replaced by “purr”.
          The word “pre” is replaced by “purr”.
          The word “pro” is replaced by “pur”.
          The word “pow” is replaced by “paw”.
          The word “tale” is replaced by “tail”.
          The word “cally” is replaced by “kitty”.
          The word “pathy” is replaced by “purrthy”.
          The word “fully” is replaced by “furry”.
          The word “counce” is replaced by “pounce”.
          The word “ his” is replaced by “ hiss”.
          The word “ to be “ is replaced by “ tabby “.
          The word “captcha” is replaced by “catcha”.
          The word “feeling” is replaced by “feline”.
          The word “kiddin” is replaced by “kitten”.
          The word “ catas” is replaced by “ cat-as”.
          The word “phor” is replaced by “fur”.
          The word “phar” is replaced by “fur”.
          The word “pher” is replaced by “fur”.
          The word “hypo” is replaced by “hypurr”.
          The word “pou” is replaced by “paw”.
          The word “pos” is replaced by “paws”.
          The word “pau” is replaced by “paw”.
          The word “because” is replaced by “beclaws”.
          The word “8ecause” is replaced by “8eclaws”.
          The word “mus” is replaced by “meows”.
          The word “claus” is replaced by “claws”.
          The word “version” is replaced by “persian”.
          The word “tomorrow” is replaced by “tomeowrrow”.
        • Vriska quirk:
          Capital at the begging of each sentence and after a dot. All b/B replaced by 8. At the end of each sentence, if there is nothing like commas or spaces, it adds a period. All “…” are replaced by “……..”. It also adds an 8 in most "ait" sounds. Here you have a list of the "ait" sounds:
          	The word “aste “ is replaced by “8ste “.
          The word “ate” is replaced by “8”.
          The word “reat” is replaced by “r8”.
          The word “eat” is replaced by “8t”.
          The word “ain” is replaced by “8n”.
          The word “atio” is replaced by “8tio”.
          The word “ait” is replaced by “8”.
          The word “reak” is replaced by “r8k”.
          The word “eight” is replaced by “8ight”. 
          The word “ace” is replaced by “8ce”.
          The word “age” is replaced by “8ge”.
          The word “ade“ is replaced by “8de“.
          The word “ake” is replaced by “8ke”.
          The word “ache“ is replaced by “8che“.
          -Feeling eighty check:
          This check should emulate somehow Vriska's 8 obsession, making 8 letters of something when she is dramatizing. Sadly, I still haven't found a way to eight the correct letters. For now, what it does is replace "." by "........", "!" by "!!!!!!!!" and "?" by "????????".

        • Equius quirk:
          Capital at the begging of each sentence and after a dot even though he almost never uses dots. At the begging of each sentence is placed a bow shooting an arrow (" D --> "). All x/X replaced by %. Also replaces loo/lue by 100 and ool by 001. Capitalization of any word that contains the "strong" chain of characters. It also omits '?', '¿', '!' and '¡' characters. When combined with Nepeta, it replaces the bow with “ :33 --> “. Here you have a list of other lesser changes:
          The word “cross” is replaced by “%”.
          The word “sc” is replaced by “%”.
          The word “cs” is replaced by “%”.
          The word “ctio” is replaced by “%io”.
          The word “cc” is replaced by “%”.
          -Horse puns check:
          Like Nepeta, this changes some words in order to make horse puns. Few less things to say, don't you think? Here is the full list of horse puns:
          The word “Nay” is replaced by “Neight”.
          The word “hav” is replaced by “hoov”.
          The word “gate” is replaced by “gait”.
          The word “utter” is replaced by “udder”.
          The word “shudder” is replaced by “udder”.
          The word “stood” is replaced by “steed”.
          The word “main” is replaced by “mane”.
          The word “past your” is replaced by “pasture”.
          The word “hoarse” is replaced by “horse”.
          The word “of course” is replaced by “of horse”.
          The word “cold” is replaced by “colt”.
          The word “full” is replaced by “foal”.
          The word “fool” is replaced by “foal”.
          The word “run” is replaced by “roan”.
          The word “heard” is replaced by “herd”.
          The word “hurt” is replaced by “herd”.
          The word “occidental” is replaced by “ox-cidental”.
          The word “buy some” is replaced by “bison”.
          The word “coun” is replaced by “cown”.
          The word “captcha” is replaced by “cowtcha”.
          The word “baloney” is replaced by “bull-yoni”.
          The word “ mov” is replaced by “ moov”.
          The word “i bet” is replaced by “ibex”.
          -Gets tired check:
          This is a funny one. If you active this, and your text are equal or longer to 300 of characters, it adds an additional line at the end of the text you translated that says "I need a towel" (applying to this sentence all the quirks you selected).

        • Eridan quirk:
          It changes all v/V by vv/VV and w/W by ww/WW. All the words that ends with "ing " by "in ". The word "them" is replaced by "em". It also omits '.', ',', ''', '?', '¿', '!' and '¡'. If lowercase wanted... I’m pretty sure you know what to do.
          -Fish puns check:
          If you reached this far, I'd bet you know what this check does, don't you? Here is the list of words:
          The word “talk” is replaced by “glub”.
          The word “asking” is replaced by “angling”.
          The word “anymore” is replaced by “anemonemore”.
          The word “real” is replaced by “reel”.
          The word “honest” is replaced by “conknest”.
          The word “while” is replaced by “whale”.
          The word “read” is replaced by “reed”.
          The word “title” is replaced by “tidal”.
          The word “sooner” is replaced by “schooner”.
          The word “grab” is replaced by “crab”.
          The word “ mull it “ is replaced by “ mullet “.
          The word “soul” is replaced by “sole”.
          The word “well” is replaced by “whale”.
          The word “wail” is replaced by “whale”.
          The word “muscle” is replaced by “mussel”.
          The word “girl” is replaced by “gill”.
          The word “boy” is replaced by “buoy”.
          The word “ had “ is replaced by “ haddock “.
          The word “bet” is replaced by “bait”.
          The word “tune” is replaced by “tuna”.
          The word “tuni” is replaced by “tuna”.
          The word “certainly” is replaced by “sardinely”.
          The word “purpose” is replaced by “porpoise”.
          The word “sucks eggs” is replaced by “sucks roe”.
          The word “anger” is replaced by “anchor”.
          The word “good to go” is replaced by “good to goby”.
          The word “someone” is replaced by “salmon”.
          The word “cool” is replaced by “cull”.
          The word “combo” is replaced by “cronchbo”.
          The word “down” is replaced by “drown”.
          The word “relief” is replaced by “rereef”.
          The word “way” is replaced by “wave”.
          The word “tonight” is replaced by “tunaight”.
          The word “other” is replaced by “otter”.
          The word “seat” is replaced by “sea-t”.
          The word “shit” is replaced by “ship”.
          The word “citation” is replaced by “cetacean”.
          The word “minim” is replaced by “minnowm”.
          The word “dorphin” is replaced by “dolphin”.
          The word “serious” is replaced by “searious”.
          The word “group” is replaced by “grouper”.
          The word “surgeon” is replaced by “sturgeon”.
          The word “coy” is replaced by “koi”.
          The word “doubt” is replaced by “trout”.
          The word “whatever” is replaced by “waterever”.
          The word “trust” is replaced by “truss”.
          The word “conf” is replaced by “conchf”.
          The word “sure” is replaced by “shore”.
          The word “self” is replaced by “shellf”.
          The word “utter” is replaced by “rudder”.
          The word “optimist” is replaced by “optifish”.
          The word “romance” is replaced by “roe-mance”.
          The word “always” is replaced by “warlus”.
          The word “hilari” is replaced by “gillari”.
          The word “help” is replaced by “kelp”.
          The word “seldom” is replaced by “salmon”.
          The word “bate” is replaced by “bait”.
          The word “sardonic” is replaced by “sardinonic”.
          The word “bullshit” is replaced by “cullshit”.
          The word “bullcrap” is replaced by “cullcrap”.
          The word “doofus” is replaced by “doofish”.
          The word “single” is replaced by “shingle”.
          The word “appears” is replaced by “appiers”.
          The word “creat” is replaced by “crayat”.
          The word “walked” is replaced by “waded”.
          The word “bitch” is replaced by “beach”.
          The word “bury” is replaced by “buri”.
          The word “meant” is replaced by “manta”.
          The word “about” is replaced by “aboat”.
          The word “crap” is replaced by “crab”.
          The word “rough” is replaced by “ruff”.
          The word “place” is replaced by “plaice”.
          The word “discuss” is replaced by “discus”.
          The word “what are “ is replaced by “water “.
          The word “better” is replaced by “betta”.
          The word “fantastic” is replaced by “fintastic”.
          The word “shut up” is replaced by “clam up”.
          The word “acquain” is replaced by “aquain”.
          The word “ffic” is replaced by “-fishc”.
          The word “perfect” is replaced by “perch-fect”.
          The word “god” is replaced by “cod”.
          The word “could” is replaced by “cod”.
          The word “wish” is replaced by “fish”.
          The word “find” is replaced by “fin”.
          The word “like” is replaced by “pike”.
          The word “row” is replaced by “roe”.
          The word “kill” is replaced by “krill”.
          The word “calm” is replaced by “clam”.
          The word “not” is replaced by “knot”.
          The word “see” is replaced by “sea”.
          The word “ sur” is replaced by “ surf”.
          The word “feel” is replaced by “eel”.
          The word “prob” is replaced by “prawnb”.
          The word “capt” is replaced by “carpt”.
          The word “hell” is replaced by “shell”.
          The word “shall” is replaced by “shell”.
          The word “jealous” is replaced by “jellyous”.
          The word “sy “ is replaced by “sea “.
          The word “sly “ is replaced by “sea “.
        • Feferi quirk:
          Capital at the begging of each sentence and after a dot. At the end of each sentence, if there is nothing like commas or spaces, it adds a period. If replaces all h/H by ")(". It also replaces all 'E' by "-E".
          -Fish puns check
          Exactly the same as Eridan.
          -Excitement trackbar
          Kinda like Tavros, this quirk adds a line of glubs down the text you translated directly proportional to how excited is and the length of the text. It's a fast way to add glubs. Moving on.

        • John quirk:
          All in lowercase. As with Dave, this is not how John really types, but it has been put here just if you want something to be in permanent lowercase (the GC&&EB one is quite funny).

        • Karkat quirk:
          All caps. Also at the end of each sentence, if there is nothing like commas or spaces, it adds a period.
          -Grumpiness trackbar and Replace/Add check
          This measures (or should) how grumpy is, replacing random words of your text into random insults. The more you raise the bar, the more chances to randomly replace random words. If you don’t like the result, you can click the “======>” to get another result. The Replace/Add check allows you to select if you want to replace random words by insults, or add them at random spaces without replacing anything. It’s very unpredictable, but sometimes you get funny results.
          Before everyone starts a flamethrower war I’d like to say that I know that Karkat does NOT talk like this. This feature was just made because I felt bad for making Karkat’s quirk so simple. So I added this just for laughs.

        • Kanaya quirk:
          All words start with caps. It omits '.', ',', ''', '?', '¿', '!', '¡' and ‘-‘. However this, if Feferi quirk is active, all ‘E’ will be “-E”.

        • Gamzee quirk:
          I guess we all know how Gamzee work. One caps, one lower... It always begins the first sentence with uppercase, and the he alternates between sentences (Like this: “TC: HoNk//TC: hOnK//TC: HoNk// TC: hOnK) . 80% of the words ending with “ing” will lose their ‘g’. It is probabilistic because he not always drops the g, and I still haven’t found a patron.
          -Rage mode check:
          When this is active, you can talk like mad Gamzee: one sentence all in lowercase, another in uppercase. Besides that, is exactly like normal Gamzee’s quirk.
      • Friendly interface, that allows you use it in a fast and easy way.
        Here is explained:
        • X and ======> buttons
          The X clear everything it would be in the upper textbox, where you write. It’s a fast clear. The ======> button translates the upper textbox text to the lower textbox. This process is automatic (each time you write something or change a setting, it automatically converts it), but i think it should remain there. Just in case.
        • Name textbox
          While active, anything you write here will be added at the beginning of each sentence. (f.i., if you write “TC”, you’ll get something like: “TC: HeY bRo.”).
        • Copy to clipboard check
          When active, each time you write, select or press something automatically copies the translated text to your clipboard, so you don’t have to select all and copy it. Pretty sweet when you want to put your result text in another window (i.e.: ALWAYS). But be careful: it’s extremely easy losing something extern you had in your clipboard with this check active.
        • Always on top check
          When active, the program will always being on top, no matter which window you have selected. Pretty sweet also when you want to put your result text in another window.
        • Contract/Expand check
          If you activate this, the window of my program will contract to an ergonomic 397x289 window, saving all the quirks you selected and making it easier to use along with other windows. If you want to restore the normal size, uncheck it.
        • Roleplay check
          When active, it adds a ‘*’ at the beginning and ending of each sentence, like when Nepeta is RPing.
        • Morse check
          Translate whatever text you want, quirk or not, to Morse with this check. There is no longer a border between you and Morse.
        • BBCode Color combobox
          With this feature, you can select the BBColor you desire and the proper labels will be added to the text, so you just have to copy and paste the text to a forum, and it will have the color you chose (Whenever you active it, it automatically chooses the proper color it should be, but you can change it whenever you want).
          Within the colors, you can choose “LORD ENGLISH”. This will assign to each letter a random color. Sadly, this cannot be animated, but it could be a great tool in forums. (WARNING! Activating this will make the output text be like 25 times longer, so unless you want a scratch firsthand experience in your computer, I suggest you to BE CAREFUL WITH THIS!)
        • Emotes check
          Now, whenever you active just one quirk and have this check active, all the emotes you write will be changed to the proper ones (e.g.: the :) would be 38) for Feferi, ::::) for Vriska, }:) for Tavros, etc...).

      • Probably (cause I haven't checked it, sorry) the biggest database of fish/cats/horse puns that a translator can offer, and all they work (or should work) no matter which quirk you combine it with.
      • This program can be easily used as a whole text translator or as a RPing chat tool. This last one is extremely easy to use, due it's "Copy to clipboard", “Always on Top”, and “Contract” checks, making everybody's life much easier.

    • So, what’s the deal?

      The program isn’t perfect. I’m not apeshit bananas at programming, I suck at RPing and, besides all that, I’m human so mistakes are bound to happen.
      Any critic, any add-on, any idea that you have that can improve my program will be received with open arms.
      You know a funny cat pun that Nepeta could also have? Or you found a bug within a quirk? Just tell me and I’ll try to fix it. I’ll keep updating it as I keep learning about the quirks or finding bugs.

    • I got a really weird error when I press something/when I execute it.

      If it looks like something like this:

      You must install the latest version of .NET Framework (3.5 worked great for me). I got the same problem in another PC, installed the last version of it, and worked.

      If you get a message like:

      "Windows cannot access the specified device path or file. You may not have the appropiate permission to access the item"

      First check if you have your antivirus on, and then try it again with it turned off. If the program persist, contact me ;)

      If there is another error, please tell me.

    • What’s new? :
      Here is a list of the different versions of the program released and which improves it had.

      The latest one (1.0.14) had this changes:
      • EMOTES: Now, whenever you active just one quirk and have this check active, all the emotes you write will be changed to the proper ones (e.g.: the :) would be 38) for Feferi, ::::) for Vriska, }:) for Tavros, etc...).
      • MORSE: Translate whatever text you want, quirk or not, to Morse with this check. There is no longer a border between you and Morse.
      • COLORS: With this feature, you can select the BBColor you desire and the proper labels will be added to the text, so you just have to copy and paste the text to a forum, and it will have the color you chose (Whenever you active it, it automatically chooses the proper color it should be, but you can change it whenever you want).
        Within the colors, you can choose “LORD ENGLISH”. This will assign to each letter a random color. Sadly, this cannot be animated, but it could be a great tool in forums. (WARNING! Activating this will make the output text be like 25 times longer, so unless you want a scratch firsthand experience in your computer, I suggest you to BE CAREFUL WITH THIS!)
      • More compressed layout: now the size of the window’s program is 700x411 . Also there are some little changes of the buttons, no serious business.
      • I just realized that Aradia’s Feelings check works contrary to what it should. Fixed.
      • In Vriska’s quirk, all “…” are always changed to “……..”. Also, new “ait” sounds added to her quirk.
      • Fix in a Nepeta pun ( “ )(is” by “ )(iss” ).

      Quirknator 1.0.02
      • Lesser translation bugs fixed.

    • Things to be discussed/added/improved:

      - Eridan way to call the others, just with the first syllable of their name. (ar, tavv, sol, kar, nep, kan, vvris, eq, gam, fef, ter) (thx orangeAipom!)
      - Feferi way to calling the others (Karcrab for Karkat, Clownfish for Gamzee...)
      - Rose quirk, with the grimdark translation option.
      - UU quirk!
      - Improving Vriska's "Feeling eighty" check, adding more "ait" sounds to her quirk and make a script that translates the text the way Vriska talks when she is upset, with unappropiated vowels to 8 and all that. (FIX "M8KE HER PAY")
      - Different skins (Trollian, Pesterchum, SB&HJ...).
      - Mac/Linux multiplataform (OHMAIGAD).
      - To-add list of puns: PAWsome, everyNYAN, ORCAnization
      - Change EB, CG, GA and TC checks by Radio Buttons. (thx Isoraqathedh)
      - Slide bars & Version (thx Elanor Pam)
      - 3X4MPL3 (thx Doom Zero)
      - Make something to add each troll a color in BB code (thx Blaperile) Now must do it also in hexadecimal!
      - -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. !!!
      - A check that, when active, automatically and only if you have ONE quirk selected, converts normal smileys into the respective smiley (e.g.: the :) would be 38) for Feferi, ::::) for Vriska, }:) for Tavros, etc...).

    • Q: Why does Karkat/Sollux/Feferi quirk adds always period at the end of the sentence?

      It does because most of time (most, not always) they add a period. If you don't want to have a period at the end you can just delete it manually, which it's no big deal, or add a space (" ") at the end of the sentence you want to translate. That'll make the program don't add it.

    • Q: Why Eridan/Nepeta/Aradia/... can talk in capitals? Their quirk consist in talking in lowercase, so why this bug?

      It's not a bug, it's an option I gave people. You see, every character in Homestuck talk in capitals when their gears are grinded. Aradia does, Sollux does, and I'm sure as hell that Eridan does. So, if you want to talk in capitals, ok, you can talk. My program will translate it properly, conserving the capitals when must be. As you can see, that opens a lot of options and combinations. But if you want to talk with all lowercase, no problem bro: just as I said, combine your lowercase desired quirk with John's quirk (all lowercase, durr) and keep trolling :B

    • Q: Why didn't you made Rose/Jade quirk?

      Rose may be done (along with some cool add-ons) in the future. Jade's quirk (though I haven't studied it much deeply) isn't really a quirk. In fact, all human kids' quirks aren't really quirks in the whole meaning of the word (or at least not as tricky as troll ones) but some were added due the combination possibilities, as I explained above.

    • Q: ribbit

      ribbit indeed. Just as I said in Aradia's quirk features, whenever you use her quirk you have a 5% of chance to get a ribbit.

    I want to give a special, big thank to TarodZ and BB for their help, support and brainstorming. KEEP BEING AWESOME!
    Also thanks to trollmeglefuckyeaadvice, for the HUGE list of puns and other quirks details found there.

    I'll try to keep updatin' it.
    Last edited by Iquer Zyzyx; 10-14-2012 at 06:05 PM. Reason: To-do update.

  2. #2

    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0

    I got something weird when I tried translating a ton of text. It worked but this was the last line

  3. #3
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0


    Of course, it seems you activated AG, AC, CT, EB and CC quirks, this last one R-EALLY -E%CIT-ED, while roleplaying. As I said in Feferi's description, the Excitement trackbar adds an adittional line of glubs directly proportional to your text size and the excitement level.

    So, that's why you have those glubs.

    Off the record, I found a bug combining feferi and jhon's quirks. I'll fix it and re-upload it later:

    Last edited by Iquer Zyzyx; 08-25-2011 at 04:35 PM.

  4. #4
    im not a dog stop lying Pew01's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    crank karkat's anger up

    what is the meaning of life

    andrew hussie is not only an andrew but also a hussie if you didnt know that yet.

    not a bug, just that i can entertain myself for hours with this lol

  5. #5
    Semixenoan graphilexigenerator Isoraqathedh's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Interface issue: if something is mutually exclusive, then use radio buttons. Checkboxes suggest to the user that the controls operate independently of each other.

  6. #6
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pew01 View Post
    crank karkat's anger up

    what is the meaning of life

    andrew hussie is not only an andrew but also a hussie if you didnt know that yet.

    not a bug, just that i can entertain myself for hours with this lol
    That was the idea. That add-ons can and WILL fuck up the grammar of your sentence, but sometimes it even amuses me with unexpected results like those

    Quote Originally Posted by Isoraqathedh View Post
    Interface issue: if something is mutually exclusive, then use radio buttons. Checkboxes suggest to the user that the controls operate independently of each other.
    Nice idea! But for now I'll keep them as they are, due the LOTS of things I'd had to change to make them radio buttons. I'll add it to the "Things to improve" list. THX!

    Ok, I found and fixed some bugs with Feferi's quirk (she and Tavros were the trickiest and more time-costing quirks to program, and they still have bugs). Now the version is 1.0.02.

    Also fixed lesser mistakes on the thread post.
    Last edited by Iquer Zyzyx; 08-26-2011 at 10:24 AM. Reason: ENTER ENTER

  7. #7
    Time for nostalgia Blaperile's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    The program won't even start up for me. :/

  8. #8
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaperile View Post
    The program won't even start up for me. :/
    What happens?

    Please, I need more info to know what the problem is, like which OS you use.

    Also, a screencap of the problem would be neat :P

  9. #9
    Time for nostalgia Blaperile's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    So yeah, this is the image I got. I use Windows XP, by the way.

    The text basically says: "Can not access the machine, pad or file. Possibly you don't have the rights to access the item."

  10. #10
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaperile View Post
    So yeah, this is the image I got. I use Windows XP, by the way.

    The text basically says: "Can not access the machine, pad or file. Possibly you don't have the rights to access the item."

    I'll... try to fin the mistake...

    Today I made a few changes and updated the program. If you downloaed after I uptdated it (half an hour ago or so) try using this one:
    Else, download it again from the main post.

    Tell me if you got the same mistake :O

  11. #11
    Time for nostalgia Blaperile's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Exact same mistake.

  12. #12
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaperile View Post
    Exact same mistake.
    Ok, gimme time Blaperile. I'll try to fix it

    Fear not people... Iquer Zyzyx IS HERE! (Also, if anyone have a clue of what could go wrong, don't hesitate telling me :P )
    Last edited by Iquer Zyzyx; 08-26-2011 at 03:01 PM. Reason: Grammar... GRAMMAR!

  13. #13
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Ok, finally revealed the mistery with Blaperile.

    Turns out her Antivirus was a HUGE BITCH (bluh bluh) and somehow blocked my program.

    Hopefully, now works ok. Anyway, I'll update the main thread along with a good idea Blaperine told me.

    Free skittles for everyone for that gr8 idea!

  14. #14
    Time for nostalgia Blaperile's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Iquer Zyzyx View Post
    Ok, finally revealed the mistery with Blaperile.

    Turns out her Antivirus was a HUGE BITCH (bluh bluh) and somehow blocked my program.

    Hopefully, now works ok. Anyway, I'll update the main thread along with a good idea Blaperine told me.

    Free skittles for everyone for that gr8 idea!
    I lol'd.

    I'm a boy, not a girl. XD

    But seriously, this program is awesome. I'm very sure I'll use it a lot in the future.
    A Member of the Midnight Crew

  15. #15
    OrangeAipom's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    ... should always turn into ........ for the Vriska quirk.

  16. #16
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeAipom View Post
    ... should always turn into ........ for the Vriska quirk.
    Good eye! In the next update (that I intend to add more features) it'll be fixed
    It'll be released soon.

    BTW, do you know any way to make Vriska's quirk better? I really don't know how to change her vowels to 8s properly when she is upset...

    Quote Originally Posted by Blaperile View Post

    I lol'd.

    I'm a boy, not a girl. XD

    But seriously, this program is awesome. I'm very sure I'll use it a lot in the future.
    Soooorry... I don't know what i thought (I really never asked you if you were a boy or a girl), I'll blame Jadesprite of your avatar XD

    Anyway, I'm already finishing the script of your idea, Blaperile.

    Thank you all!!
    Last edited by Iquer Zyzyx; 09-01-2011 at 08:52 AM.

  17. #17

    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Late response to the bug thing, I had ALL the quirks on at the time.

  18. #18
    Time for nostalgia Blaperile's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.02: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Hehe, it's okay! The only reason I decided to choose Jadesprite as an avatar was because I really loved hers and Davesprite's poses in that series of updates, but most people began using Davesprite as avatar, so I decided to be different. Besides, I had ordered a Jade shirt (which I've already received in the mean time) during that time and I thought "Why not be even more of a Jade?". That's another reason why I've got Jade in my signature as well. :P
    A Member of the Midnight Crew

  19. #19
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    OK people, after some, here comes a überupdate.

    Main thred has been updated, but anyway, here are the changes:

    • EMOTES: Now, whenever you active just one quirk and have this check active, all the emotes you write will be changed to the proper ones (e.g.: the :) would be 38) for Feferi, ::::) for Vriska, }:) for Tavros, etc...).
    • MORSE: Translate whatever text you want, quirk or not, to Morse with this check. There is no longer a border between you and Morse.
    • COLORS: With this feature, you can select the BBColor you desire and the proper labels will be added to the text, so you just have to copy and paste the text to a forum, and it will have the color you chose (Whenever you active it, it automatically chooses the proper color it should be, but you can change it whenever you want).
      Within the colors, you can choose “LORD ENGLISH”. This will assign to each letter a random color. Sadly, this cannot be animated, but it could be a great tool in forums. (WARNING! Activating this will make the output text be like 25 times longer, so unless you want a scratch firsthand experience in your computer, I suggest you to BE CAREFUL WITH THIS!)
    • More compressed layout: now the size of the window’s program is 700x411 . Also there are some little changes of the buttons, no serious business.
    • I just realized that Aradia’s Feelings check works contrary to what it should. Fixed.
    • In Vriska’s quirk, all “…” are always changed to “……..”. Also, new “ait” sounds added to her quirk.
    • Fix in a Nepeta pun ( “ )(is” by “ )(iss” ).

    As always, any bug, any mistake, any idea you have, just tell me ;)

  20. #20
    Thief of Hearts Reecer6's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Oh my god having all the quirks on plus a format with all the settings set to 100% go crazy is just unreadable.

    :33 --> T488Y uHh 0r Kn0t T488Y t)(4t 1s T)(-3 Qu-3sT10n UhH t)(0uG)( uHh Ww)(4t 1s T)(-3 4nSwW-3R t)(-3 4NsWw-3r 1s 4lWw4vV-3S c4nC-3R -3Vv-3rY uHh S)(1NgL-3 T1M-3 -3vV-3N uHh 1f T)(-3 Qu-3sT10n 1s "wW)(4T 1S t)(-3 cUr-3 t0 uHh C4Nc-3r" s0m-3 uHh S4Y 1Ts 8uLl-3tS uHh 1tS c4nC-3R.
    :33 --> GlU8 UhH gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 uHh GlU8 GlU8 GlU8 GlU8 GlU8 UhH gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 uHh GlU8 GlU8 GlU8

    And Karkat's Unreasonable Profanity meter just adds to it.

    BTW, what does Replace/Add do?
    Last edited by Reecer6; 09-10-2011 at 08:55 PM.

  21. #21
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reecer6 View Post
    Oh my god having all the quirks on plus a format with all the settings set to 100% go crazy is just unreadable.

    :33 --> T488Y uHh 0r Kn0t T488Y t)(4t 1s T)(-3 Qu-3sT10n UhH t)(0uG)( uHh Ww)(4t 1s T)(-3 4nSwW-3R t)(-3 4NsWw-3r 1s 4lWw4vV-3S c4nC-3R -3Vv-3rY uHh S)(1NgL-3 T1M-3 -3vV-3N uHh 1f T)(-3 Qu-3sT10n 1s "wW)(4T 1S t)(-3 cUr-3 t0 uHh C4Nc-3r" s0m-3 uHh S4Y 1Ts 8uLl-3tS uHh 1tS c4nC-3R.
    :33 --> GlU8 UhH gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 uHh GlU8 GlU8 GlU8 GlU8 GlU8 UhH gLu8 gLu8 gLu8 uHh GlU8 GlU8 GlU8

    And Karkat's Unreasonable Profanity meter just adds to it.

    BTW, what does Replace/Add do?
    :D I know, it could be INSANE. But I can read it quite well, having on account all the quirks and puns used (Macbeth, huh?). Anyway, the porpoise of the program was just to combine some quirks (not all) and for the most braves, try to roleplay as 2 OC at once.
    The Replace/Add check toggles between the replacing of a word of your text to an insult (The big house ==> THE FUCKING HOUSE.) or adding them in the spaces of your text (The big house ==> THE BIG FUCKING HOUSE.)

    Ok now, sorry for the 16-20 people who downloaded it, but I found some bugs within the emotes script ( :oo) with Gamzee / (:BB with Karkat AND with John&Dave / >>:] with Terezi / :333 < :)) con Nepeta). They are fixed. Also, remind you this:

    While using the EMOTES check, please be aware that this script may change things you don't want to be changed (e.g.: "Age:30" could be changed to "Age::::30" with AG quirk). Also, sometimes it may not work or work unproperly due the weird quirk that is being applied (e.g.: "XD" may be readed by the script like "xD" or "Xd" with TC quirk, which, as you can imagine, is a nightmare to the program and may have probles turning it to XoD).

  22. #22
    i di3d .:( Insani's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    With vriska, eighty = 8ighty?

    Uh, shouldn't it be 8y or 8ty?

    Edit: Oh my god.

    Last edited by Insani; 09-12-2011 at 08:45 AM.

  23. #23
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Insani View Post
    With vriska, eighty = 8ighty?

    Uh, shouldn't it be 8y or 8ty?

    Edit: Oh my god.

    AG: Joooooooo
    AG: oooooooo
    AG: oooooooo
    AG: oooooooo
    AG: oooooooo
    AG: oooooooo
    AG: oooooooo
    AG: oooooooohn!
    AG: W8ke up!!!!!!!!
    EB: heheh. i am pronouncing that like a really long "june".
    EB: that is so many o's.
    AG: It is 8ight groups of 8ight. I specifically counted them.
    I thought that too, but... well... yup...
    It should really be just '8', but it could lead to serious misstranslations, so "8ight" is fine, I guess.

    Thx for helping

    PS: I can see L.E. idea wasn't bad AT ALL...
    Will it work on Tumblr? I don't have one, so if it does, please tell me...

  24. #24
    (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━ crashBunny's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Danke! This thing is amazing.
    Buuut, mine is showing up kind of odd.

    It doesn't show the draggy bits

    But it's so amusing


  25. #25
    Oh nom nom nom ^3^ Iquer Zyzyx's Avatar
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    Re: QUIRKNATOR 1.0.14: The program that allows you to combine all troll's quirks.

    Quote Originally Posted by crashFaggot View Post
    Danke! This thing is amazing.
    Buuut, mine is showing up kind of odd.

    It doesn't show the draggy bits

    But it's so amusing

    Hehe, thx for your opinion! I recently stopped the project unless flaws are found or people give me some hype to keep working, but I really like to make the improvements someday.

    BTW, what do you mean when you say "It doesn't show the draggy bits"? I think my english got a bit rusty lately (spanish here), so could you please explain it? I has me in suspense.

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